I hate calling you that because I don’t think it’s your real name. I think you’re the same person who used to call themselves Mike Townsend (who had a stolen photo), who now calls themselves Linda Margera at Domainite, and who calls themselves Jason Royston (who also has a stolen photo), Gloria Wagner, and so many more.
You mentioned previously that I, myself, am new to Medium and Twitter. That’s true. I’ve only been with both platforms a couple months. But I’m not new to the world. I’ve had a Facebook account for many years where there are pictures of me with friends and family. I work as a full time freelance writer, so I have bylines to my credit. Before that, I worked in the flooring industry and it’s easy to find evidence of that, too. The list goes on.
This is because real people leave an imprint. Yet there is no evidence that you or any of your bots or alter egos exist outside of your association with the IAPWE. None. And when you post photos of whoever you’re pretending to be at any given moment, they always turn out to be stolen.
You’ve mastered the art of using too many words to say almost nothing. You go on and on but don’t make any new points, let alone any valid ones.
I’m not going to go through line by line and refute this last comment because I’ve already done that when you responded the first time. Repetition is boring and unnecessary. Writers are thankfully, too smart to for those tactics and it’s an insult to their intelligence. My article speaks for it’s self. I did my research and it’s well- documented. I stand behind it.